About five to six years ago, I met this beautiful, soft spoken sweetheart named Angie - happily married to her husband John and without children. Fast forward five years, she is the mother of two amazingly beautiful children, Caleb and Sydney, and one baby girl on the way. GlaMOMorous World…I would like you to meet Angie.
Tell us a little about your journey towards pregnancy.
Well, that’s a loaded question but I’ll be brief! About 7 years ago, my husband and I decided *we* were ready for children. God had other plans and it took over 2 years to get pregnant. He has blessed us immensely and quite easily since then.
What is your due date?
March 28
Did you have a hunch you were pregnant before you found out?
No, I was living in complete denial!
What was your initial reaction to being pregnant?
Uh oh! And then, a big smile.
How did you tell your husband/partner?
I’m ashamed to say it was over the phone after I received the news from my OB/GYN after blood work was done for a routine yearly appointment.
Did your husband/partner react in any certain way?
Uhhhh…really? But he was excited too after the initial news.
Can you describe the moment you saw your baby for the first time during the ultrasound?
With every heartbeat listen and ultrasound I cry with pure joy. It is such a miracle and a blessing. Even with my 3rd pregnancy, I am just in awe of the whole process and love to see her little face on that screen! It is also such a relief to see a healthy baby.
How do you feel about your changing body?
During pregnancy I actually feel better and more self-confident about my body than when I am not pregnant. It is that after baby body, I am not so excited about!
What do you love most about being pregnant?
Feeling the baby move. This baby has been quite active and loves worship music at church and hear her brother and sister talk to her.
What do you like least about being pregnant?
Lack of energy.
Do you have any odd or different cravings?
This once vegetarian loves red meat while pregnant!
If this is NOT your first child, what does your other child/children think about a baby being in Mommy’s tummy?
Both Caleb (4) and Sydney (2) are incredibly excited about the baby. They love to talk to her and kiss my belly. I hope they are as excited about her once she is born!
Have you been buying baby items yet?
Poor #3 will be getting all hand me downs from her sister! But I am sure she won’t be too deprived, girl clothes are just too adorable to not buy sometimes.
What are some necessities you would suggest to other pregnant women or women who are trying to get pregnant?
Let yourself nap if you can while pregnant. Don’t stress out about following what all the books say to do. Get in a good routine that works for YOU and YOUR baby. Exercise even when you don’t feel like it. It does wonders for energy level and self-confidence.
Any creative alternatives to maternity clothes?
I can’t stand maternity pants, so I buy regular jeans in larger sizes and just leave them unbuttoned. You have to wear extra long shirts, but to me it is worth it! I wear ‘cute’ sweat pants or yoga pants most of the time but when it is time to dress up a bit, I love wearing a decent pair of jeans and my black boots.
Does the thought of labor make you nervous?
A little. I’ve had one labor and delivery without any pain medications and one with an epidural at 7.5 dilated. I’m planning another natural one this time, but we’ll have to see how long the labor lasts!
What is your favorite maternity clothing line? Oh, I am not the person to ask this question! I don’t like shopping much and can’t stand maternity clothes so I’d have to say Old Navy yoga pants, Old Navy jeans (in bigger than normal sizes) and my husband’s closet!
If you or someone you know would like to be spotlighted on the GlaMOMorous World Blog, please contact us at sales (at) braelynbountybug (dot) com. Each expecting lady highlighted will receive a FREE Tot Tag of their choice.
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